Buckingham Art For All

A Buckingham based Art group which welcomes artists of all abilities and those interested in art to meet, share, learn and above all enjoy art.  Monthly meetings are held with a variety of speakers and demonstrations.  We hold two annual exhibitions and would love you to join us either as a visitor or a member; spectator or artist!

2024 Bafa Programme 

Tuesday 10th December - 7.30pm
Bafa Christmas Party & Quiz
Buckingham Community Centre

Refreshments and Raffle available
New AV equipment will be put to use!

1st Wednesday of Each Month = Art Club

@ Buckingham Community Centre, 10 am-12 pm

£3 for members (£5 for Visitors)

inc. Coffee/Tea & Biscuits 

Friday 13th December = Art Cafe

@ The Kings Head from 10.30 am until 12 pm

Meet for a festive chat and cuppa with Bafa Members - normally found right of the bar!

  Our Spring Exhibition is our next big event - 16th - 18th May

 Entry form found here and in the Member's Document section  
Browser Work (Uncatalogued) and Card Form



The Mel Makinson Young Artist Award, was focused this year on artists aged 7-9 year olds (school years 3&4).   Our thanks go to the public
Young Artist Winning Artwork 2024 for voting for the wonderful artwork which was on display throughout the exhibition weekend.  The winning exhibit was by Shanice from George Grenville Academy with a great Fire artwork.  Well done to all of the children who's work was on display over the weekend from our local schools.


Click on this link to get our Newsletter http://eepurl.com/dty0xz

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